Aluminum Sheet For Construction

"What is aluminum sheet? Aluminum plate is mainly used in what industry?
With aluminum ingots pressed, after processing to form a rectangular sheet is called aluminum plate. Aluminum sheet is usually divided by alloy composition and thickness specifications. Among them, according to the alloy composition division standard, aluminum plate can be divided into high purity aluminum plate, pure aluminum plate, alloy aluminum plate, composite aluminum plate and aluminum coated aluminum plate.
In terms of thickness, aluminum sheet can be divided into sheet, regular plate, medium plate, thick plate and super thick plate.
Aluminum plate is widely used. We often see walls, bags, furniture, cabinets, electrical appliances, glass, car decoration and other production and manufacturing need to use aluminum plate; At the same time, aerospace, military, machine parts processing and other aspects often need to use aluminum plate. It can be said that we can't live without aluminum. Simply put, aluminum plate is mainly used in the following industries:
1. Construction industry. A large part of aluminum plate is used in the construction industry, mainly used to make curtain wall aluminum plate, decorative plate, aluminum doors and Windows and decorative plate.
2. Light industry. Household appliances, hardware, glass and daily chemicals all need to use aluminum plate, which is relatively common in our life.
3. Packaging industry. We commonly used toothpaste, candy, cosmetics, canned food and other items packaging manufacturing need to use aluminum plate; At the same time, the interior and exterior decoration of automobiles also need to use a large number of aluminum plates, and the railway industry also needs to use a large number of aluminum plates.
4. Electronics industry. Aluminum plates are used in the production of daily necessities such as TV sets, speakers and radios, military products such as radar and tactical missile jacket equipment.
Why is aluminum so widely used? This is mainly because aluminum has many advantages. First of all, the density of aluminum is small, its conductive, thermal and reflective properties are better; Secondly, the corrosion resistance of aluminum is better, more solid and durable, and there is a certain degree of self-cleaning, can resist the influence of acid rain, air pollution, etc., the appearance is also easier to keep clean; Third, the aluminum plate is light in weight, good in rigidity, strong in resistance to pressure and impact, and can cope with the invasion of strong winds; Finally, aluminum plate has good ductility, low melting point, easy casting, can carry out a variety of plastic processing, can meet the needs of different industries. Therefore, aluminum plate is widely used, favored by many industries."