[SMMmiddayreview]SouthChinaAluminum:Guangdongand ShanghaiPricedifferencewidensHolder'swillingnesstoship


In the early afternoon, aluminum was difficult to rise that month, and spot transactions in the Guangdong market remained volatile in the morning. Before 10:30, the transaction price of the monthly ticket was concentrated in 14780-14820 yuan / ton, and then the aluminum price dropped slightly, superimposed on this high level of price, the holder's willingness to sell was obviously converged, and the supply of goods was more relaxed. After 10:30, the actual transaction price of the monthly ticket fell back to 14760-14780 yuan / ton, and the price difference between Guangdong and Shanghai was 330 yuan / ton, and the difference between the local ticket price for the current month and the next month was 40 yuan / ton. after 10:30, the actual transaction price of the monthly ticket dropped to 14760-14780 yuan / ton, and the price difference between Guangdong and Shanghai was 330 yuan / ton. On the whole, the demand of traders for monthly tickets today has not decreased, but under the stimulation of high levels, the willingness of shippers to ship goods has increased significantly; there is no obvious action in the downstream side, and most of them are mainly on the sidelines, and the volume of goods received downstream this week is obviously lower than that of last week. The market trading atmosphere has turned to traders as the dominant factor. We need to pay close attention to the arrival of goods in Guangdong market and the psychological changes of traders in Guangdong next week.

