A00 aluminium ingot price increases RMB70/t; Australian alumina FOB price up 2.05%


According to Shanghai Metals Market, A00 aluminium ingot price rose from RMB13610 per tonne to RMB13680 per tonne as of Tuesday, 12 March 2019, representing an increase of RMB70 per tonne or 0.51 per cent. The price is expected to range between RMB13660 per tonne and RMB 13700 per tonne, with spot discounts to settle at RMB 40 per tonne.


In the east (Wuxi and Hangzhou), the aluminium ingot price grew RMB 65 per tonne to RMB 13670 per tonne, each. Their prices are expected to range between RMB 13660 per tonne and RMB 13680 per tonne.

In the south and north, the price increased RMB 50 per tonne and RMB 40 per tonne to hover at RMB 13650 per tonne, each. Their prices are expected to range between RMB13630 per tonne and RMB13670 per tonne and RMB13640 per tonne and RMB13660 per tonne.


Australian alumina FOB price increased USD8 per tonne or 2.05 per cent to stand at USD 398 per tonne on Tuesday, March 12. Al Fluoride price, on the other hand, declined RMB 500 per tonne to stand at RMB10000 per tonne today. The price is expected to range between RMB9900 per tonne and RMB10100 per tonne.
