July 21, 2017 aluminum Industry News


                                              July 21, 2017 aluminum Industry News

                      Source: China Aluminum Information Net Date: 2017/7/21 9:20:37

1, July 19 10 o'clock in the morning, China International Aluminum Industry exhibition opened in Shanghai New International Expo Center. As the world's leading international exhibition of aluminum industry, attracted from more than 40 countries and regions of nearly 500 raw materials production enterprises, aluminum processing enterprises, equipment supply enterprises, technical technology enterprises exhibitors. After more than 10 years of experience in precipitation, aluminum industry show more profound industry value.

2, July 18, sponsored by Beijing Antaike Information Co., Ltd., China Aluminum Company, Reed Exhibitions Group invited 2017 China International Aluminum Processing Forum held in Shanghai. The chairman of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association Chen Quanxun, deputy director of the Ministry of Material and Materials, Yu WEI, International Aluminum Association secretary General Ron Cape, Binzhou deputy mayor of the people's government Cao Yubin, Shandong Weiqiao Entrepreneurial Group chairman Zhangspin, Reed Exhibitions Group Greater China Vice President Zhang Yi and other guests attended the opening ceremony. China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association vice President Ding, party Committee deputy secretary Van Sunko attended the forum, the opening ceremony by the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association vice President Wen presided over.

3, in order to conscientiously implement the headquarters of the company on environmental remediation work spirit, combined with Hejin "seven Seven governance" environmental renovation special action requirements, to further improve the living environment of the industrial park in Shanxi aluminum base, July 19, Shanxi aluminum plant to convene a special action for environmental remediation launch meeting, proposed to carry out a six-month environmental renovation special action, Shanxi aluminum plant vice director Wang Sugang and related departments to attend the meeting.

4, in order to implement the "Energy Conservation Law", "industrial energy-saving management measures," and other energy-saving laws and regulations, to strengthen the focus on energy-efficient enterprise supervision, promote industrial energy-saving and green development, according to the 2017 industrial energy-saving monitoring key work plan (Ministry of Industry and (2017)95 number), the Ministry of Industry and Information technology organization to focus on energy consumption limits mandatory standards and mechanical and electrical equipment energy efficiency standards and other policies to implement the state major industrial special energy-saving monitoring.