July 10, 2017 aluminum industry News


                                                  July 10, 2017 aluminum industry News

Source: China Aluminum Information Net Date: 2017/7/10 9:22:09

1. Recently, the people's Government of Henan Province issued a notice on the issuance of five schemes, such as the solution to the excess capacity in Henan province, according to data, at present, Henan province electrolytic aluminum production capacity of 3.94 million tons, including 8 enterprises 12 factories, of which operating capacity of 2.78 million tons, production capacity of 1.06 million tons, while the production capacity of the long-term idle capacity of 4 Enterprises 5 factory total of about 570,000 tons of capacity.

2, recently, Foshan set up the entire aluminum Home Industry standards Alliance. The Alliance Foshan Quality and Standardization Institute, Foshan Furniture Design and manufacturing society as the technical Support organization, the alliance members by the active promotion of the city's entire aluminum home Product Alliance Standard Research, formulation, application of entity units.

3, at the National Development and Reform Commission held yesterday to clean up rectification of the electrolytic aluminum industry, the special action of illegal projects docking conference, the NDRC again from the national level stressed the policy of strict implementation of the determination and later supervision of the strength and accountability attitude, require governments must actively promote, can not exist shielding and fluke psychology.