June 30, 2017 aluminum industry News


                                 June 30, 2017 aluminum industry News

                          Source: China Aluminum Information Net Date: 2017/6/30 9:45:28

1, Latin (ALD) statistics, 2016, the world's top ten alumina producers (according to the production statistics sorted) in turn is China aluminum, Alcoa, Wei Qiao Group, credit group, Rio Tinto Alcan, Russia aluminum, Norway, the United States, Jinjiang Group, South Extension 32 and East hope.

2. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the state Energy bureau issued "on the implementation of coal-fired power plant specifications for the construction and operation of transformation Supervision Notice" (hereinafter referred to as "notice"), will be formed in June before the end of the special Inspectorate for Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Guangxi, Jiangsu and Shandong Province 6 (autonomous regions) to conduct On-the-spot investigation. It will face a "big test" for the electrolytic aluminum industry, which has its own power plant "large". Although Henan province is not included in the national supervision of the list, but to some of the west of Henan electrolytic Aluminum enterprises, or will bring different degrees of influence.

3. Recently, the progress of electrolytic aluminum supply side reform has attracted much attention from the market. Yesterday, the Ministry of Industry convened China aluminum and other enterprises and China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association held a symposium, but also triggered market speculation. According to people familiar with the contents of the meeting, Ministry of Industry officials said the need to strictly promote the supply side of the reform, but did not give electrolytic aluminum specific production targets.

4. According to Dow Jones June 28, Ghanaian government official Yaw Osafo-Maafo said in Wednesday that the country had signed a memorandum of understanding with the China National Development Bank on a total of $10 billion in bauxite projects. The West African country's economic growth has fallen sharply in 2014 years as a result of a fiscal crisis and a sharp fall in commodity prices.