June 2, 2017 aluminum industry News


               June 2, 2017 aluminum industry News

                               Source: China Aluminum Information Net Date: 2017/6/2 9:38:58

1. Zhang, director of the Internet Economic Research Laboratory of the National Ministry of Industry, presented at the "first Internet + Aluminum Industrial Development Summit Forum", at present, the two-level integration of nonferrous metals industry and the readiness of large enterprises are lower than other industries, and deepening and promoting the integration and innovation of the industry and the Internet is an urgent need to promote the sustainable development of nonferrous metals industry.

2, following May 26 Inner Mongolia huayun new material Co., Ltd. Alloy aluminum phase of the project to achieve power after the ignition, May 30 The project ushered in another major node target, the first batch of 2 units of electricity successfully start success. This marks the first phase of the Huayun phase of the project into full launch stage. Bao Aluminum Group Chairman, party secretary, trade union chairman, Baotou Aluminum Executive Director Chai Yongchen, the company's general manager, Deputy Secretary Tiane, deputy general manager of the company Cai, Xu Jing in-depth start-up site, guide the series start production work.

3, in order to master the emission of industrial pollution sources, to improve the level of pollution prevention and control of Industrial pollution sources, to achieve the end of 2020, industrial pollution sources to meet the emission targets, Xining City will implement a comprehensive discharge plan for industrial pollution. According to the plan, to ensure that by the end of 2020, all kinds of industrial pollution sources to achieve a comprehensive standard emissions, environmental governance system further sound, environmental compliance become the norm.

4, the reporter recently learned from the Tibet Autonomous Region development and Reform Commission, according to the Ministry of State, Development and Reform, energy Bureau, coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau jointly issued the "production of iron and steel industry to eliminate backward capacity of special action Implementation Plan notice" requirements, combined with the actual situation in Tibet, after combing, Tibet does not exist in iron and steel, coal production of the relevant enterprises of the actual situation, but Tibet is still active in iron and steel to eliminate To resolve the key industries overcapacity, accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, is the Central Committee, the State Council made a major decision-making deployment, the overall situation of China's economic and social development.