May 26, 2017 aluminum industry News


                                                 May 26, 2017 aluminum industry News 

                           Source: China Aluminum Information Net Date: 2017/5/26 9:24:01

1, May 23, Hejin Aluminum Industrial Park Multi-energy LAN project started. Shanxi Aluminum Plant Director Wang Tianqing, party secretary Zhang, Shanxi Branch deputy general manager of Guo Qingshan, Hejin vice Mayor He Honglin, Beijing Yang-Nepal Technology Development Co., Ltd. Chairman Wang Jia, Tsinghua University Energy Internet Innovation Research Institute of Industry Development and standards, director of Ma Junhua, Yuncheng Hejin Mining Coordination Department, deputy director of Li Chaoxia, Hejin by letter, hair change, housing construction, power supply and other units in charge, Hejin Aluminum Industrial Park management committee leader and Tsinghua University multi-energy LAN project team experts attended the launch meeting.

2, May 16, 2017 afternoon, Pinglu County Committee Deputy secretary Guiting organized the restoration of 800,000 tons of aluminum oxide project protection from the summary of the work, the whole project protection from the relocation of the report summary. The heads of the relevant functional departments, the relevant personnel of the leading group, the Sage Valley town and the head of the relocation Village group, as well as the partial relocation of the mass representatives to attend the meeting.

3, May 23 morning, Jinyang (Anhui) Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. New energy-saving environmental protection Aluminum formwork System project in Hefei Circular Economy Demonstration Park officially started. Aluminum template is 2017 Feidong County focus on investment projects, the total cost of the project is about 6.2 billion yuan, including fixed assets investment of about 3.3 billion yuan, the total area of about 2900 acres, the total floor space of 1.48 million square meters. A project investment of about 2.1 billion yuan, covers an area of about 900 acres. After the completion of the project, all Tatsu production can achieve the annual output value of 6.5 billion yuan, directly driven by employment of 8,000 people. will be the impetus and growth pole of the economic development of Feidong County and the transformation and upgrading of Hefei circular economy Demonstration Park.