May 12, 2017 aluminium industry news


May 12, 2017 aluminium industry news

Source: China Aluminum Information Network release time: 2017/5/12 9:34:42

1, Jamaican alumina Enterprise Alpart is preparing to build a second aluminum oxide plant. Jamaica's finance minister, Audley Shaw, said the new site was on a small island, with an annual output of 2,000 tons/tons of alumina expected. After completion, Alpart Total alumina capacity is expected to reach 3,600 tons/year. Shaw also said there will be more than more than 700 employees to invest in this project, once the new aluminum oxide plant is full run, will also create more than more than 1000 jobs. In addition to a new aluminum oxide plant, Shaw also disclosed that Alpart plans to build a aluminum foil processing plant.

2, May 10, Nanning City held 2016 annual Science and Technology Awards Conference. The same day the General Assembly commended the 57 2016 annual Nanning Science and Technology Awards. The award-winning enterprise of the Science and technology conference has the characteristics of "sophisticated" and so on. For example, the Bosch science and technology company's "high concentration of organic wastewater treatment key equipment and engineering Technology Integration innovation" project to obtain the international leader, products are exported to Indonesia, Belarus and other countries. Cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements into row national defense strategy needs, Guangxi South Aluminum Processing Co., Ltd. "High strength and toughness corrosion of aviation aluminum alloy large-size plate preparation technology" is used in some kind of defense weapon equipment.

3, according to Bloomberg, Guinean president Alfa Kondai in a speech in the capital mining meeting, said: "Miners produced more than a certain minimum of aluminum raw materials, will be forced to establish an aluminum oxide factory, but the specific limit is not clear." He also said that we do not want Guinea to be a raw material supplier, we hope that more interest value can be transformed in situ; Guinea currently only has an aluminum oxide factory located in the Feullias area, under the Russian aluminum, 2012 discontinued idle, planning to restart 2018;

4 May 10th: Kobe Steel Co., Ltd., Japan's third-largest steelmaking plant, will cost 500 million of billions of dollars to boost aluminium production, including buying half of its stake in a South Korean factory to meet more energy-efficient vehicles. According to the statement, Kobe Steel Company will invest 315 million dollars, from the Novelis company to buy South Korea Ulsan A aluminum smelting plant 50% stake in order to enlarge the capacity of aluminum plate. Kobe Steel Co., Ltd. also said it planned to invest 20 billion yen ($ 176 million trillion) to upgrade the capacity of the Moka plant (north of Tokyo) in the automotive aluminium panels.