Warmly Celebrate the First Meeting of ChengYang 6th Committee of CPPCC


The First Meeting of ChengYang 6th Committee of CPPCC came to a successful close on the morning of February 27. Since the opening on the afternoon of February 24, 216 members of the CPPCC from all political parties and ethnic groups have gathered here to actively fulfill their political consultation, democratic supervision and political participation, offering advice on building an ecological and livable city in the north of Jiaozhou Bay.


ChengYang 6th Committee of CPPCC made the report to review the main work of the past 5 sessions of CPPCC, and put forward new requirements for the future work of the CPPCC. Among them, Yeshuai Yu, the general manager of Shandong Sino Steel Co.,Ltd attended to make a proposal.

Over the past five years, the various proposals effectively promoted the development of district’s economic and social cause. Reflect the aspirations and calls from all walks of life timely, insisting to take it as an important channel to link to the masses, and to pay attention to the people's livelihood. They organized special activities for the masses to improve people's lives in terms of urban and rural construction, so as to help the masses solve some practical difficulties.

In the next five years, the 6th Committee of CPPCC will thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and earnestly perform the functions of the CPPCC in accordance with the deployment made by the district Sixth Party Congress, conscientiously promoting the well-being of the people's livelihood, so as to speed up the construction of ecological livable city in the north of Jiaozhou Bay.